Yoga Classes London Ontario, Wobbling Yogi


Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC

Hatha Foundation

  • The Hatha Foundation sequence is built to be accessible for all levels of experience, but still provides the challenge needed to help strengthen and detoxify the entire body.

    All Wobbling Yogi classes are built on this series, a sequence of about 40 postures and breathing exercises. This class consists of two parts, designed to open, strengthen, and relax the entire body. The focus of the standing series is to build flexibility, balance and endurance while the floor series will strengthen the upper body, abdominal muscles, joints and spine.

    Great for beginners and experienced students.

Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC

Hatha Power

  • Hatha Power is a challenging sequence of intermediate balancing postures that may include arm balances. This energizing class will incorporate elements from the Hatha Foundation series.

    As the holds are longer and the postures are more demanding, we recommend that you complete at last 5 classes prior to Hatha Power

    Modifications are available for beginners and experienced students.

Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC | Wobbling Yogi


  • Yin is a calming form of yoga characterized by long holds and slow movements to relax and restore the joints and muscles. This practice emphasizes gentle postures and overall relaxation to recharge the body and calm the nervous system.

    This class is accessible to all levels, a great option for seniors or anyone who wishes to move at a slower pace.

    Props such as straps, blocks and bolsters are recommended but remain optional.

Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC| Wobbling Yogi


  • The Flow sequence is an invigorating practice meant to raise the heart rate.

    This practice strongly relies on the synchronization of breath and movement to produce strong, flowing patterns of motion and energy. This challenging class will incorporate elements from the Hatha Foundation series that will transition seamlessly throughout the practice.

    These classes are accessible to all levels but best for individuals who have a basic understanding of the yoga poses and feel ready to both physically and mentally flow through them, entering into a state of moving meditation accompanied with a high level of cardiovascular endurance.

Prenatal Yoga London Ontario | Wobbling Yogi


  • Prenatal is a unique yoga experience, incorporating yoga postures and breathing techniques to help you connect with your baby, alleviate discomforts, and lower stress levels. Expect to flow through a series of standing poses, followed by restorative floor work, designed to open and strengthen the muscles, which are essential for labour and postnatal recovery. Some of these postures you might recognize from Hatha foundation with assistive support of blocks, straps and bolsters. Join a nurturing and positive community, all transitioning into the role of motherhood in a 4 week series.

Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC, wobbling yogi


  • In postpartum, we will focus on back strengthening, shoulder and chest opening, glute strengthening and stretching, core training, pelvic floor balancing, vinyasas and more, within the context of safety for the postpartum body. This is a great segue for postpartum women looking to safely progress towards integrating into regular asana classes. While this is a mother-centric class, mothers are welcome to bring their baby (non-mobile) and tend to the baby’s needs as and when necessary. We ask that you use discernment to know when to have private space for you and baby. Join a nurturing and positive community in a 4 week series.


We have a space for every person, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner; regardless of your race, cultural expression, gender identity or socioeconomic status.

Whoever you are, you deserve connection, compassion, and inner peace.

Please join us for a class, event or one of our retreats

  • Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC | Wobbling Yogi

    We Got You


    If $5 is all you have, then that's all we need. See you in class!

  • Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC | Wobbling Yogi

    Standard Price


    Standard class price is $20, if you are in a position to do so, please choose this price option for your class.

  • Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC | Wobbling Yogi

    Pay It Forward


    Choose this price to help us keep the $5 option available for those who need it. We believe yoga is for all, regardless of your financial situation, so this extra payment allows you to Pay It Forward to those unable to pay the Standard Price.

  • Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC | Wobbling Yogi

    Prenatal & Postpartum

    4 Week Series - $99

    Join a nurturing and positive community in a 4 week series.

  • Yoga Maple Ridge BC, Yoga Pitt Meadows BC, Yoga Abbotsford BC, Yoga Chilliwack BC, Yoga Harrison Hot Springs BC, Yoga Surrey BC | Wobbling Yogi

    Private Yoga

    60 minute session (free location) - $45

    60 minute session (paid studio location) - $70


  • With regular practice, you will notice your body getting stronger and more flexible; you will feel more grounded and have better posture. On a mental level you will notice improved focus, the ability to stay calm and maintain relaxed breathing.

  • Preregistration and waiver completion is required for all classes. Arrive 15 – 20 minutes early to check in and let the instructor know of any injuries or other concerns. Turn off your phone and remove shoes in the designated area; all classes are done barefoot. Find a mat marker on the floor and quietly roll out your mat and lie down in Shavasana (Corps pose). You’re welcome to talk freely in the hallways before and after class and kindly ask that you observe silence once you enter the yoga room.

  • It is a misunderstanding that you have to be flexible or strong to do yoga. We work on many levels including the body, the breath, the mind and the spirit in every class. You will find yourself becoming more flexible and strong as you continue to practice yoga.

  • It is a good idea to try different classes to get an idea of the style of yoga and teachers you like and is right for you. Hatha Power and Flow classes tend to be the more physically demanding classes, while Hatha Foundation and Yin Yoga classes are less physically challenging.

  • Bring water to stay hydrated, a yoga mat if you have one and a towel. Yoga mats are ideal, as they are “sticky” and help prevent sliding. We have yoga mats and other gear available for purchase if you do not have one.

  • Athletic clothing where the instructor can have a good idea of your body alignment, and at the same time clothes that are comfortable, fast drying and do not restrict your movement.

  • Every class is different, but there are common elements you can expect. The teacher may start with an intro to a theme; there’ll be a centering (where you connect with your breath and body), warm-ups, poses linked together, cool-downs, and your final pose, Shavasana (where you lie down on your back). To find out what the different classes are, go to our schedule. You can click on the name of the class, and it will give a description.

  • It is a good idea to come to class hydrated and drink plenty of water after yoga class. Try not to eat a full meal at least three hours before class.

  • Yoga can be very beneficial during pregnancy, but make sure to let your instructor know you are pregnant. Make sure to avoid twisting, inversions, pranayama, any abdominal strengthening pose and lying on your belly. Remember, balancing poses may get tougher as you progress in your pregnancy so use the wall or blocks to keep yourself balanced and stay in the pose longer. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take bathroom breaks whenever needed. Please be sure to discuss taking yoga classes with your doctor.

  • It is always appropriate to talk to the instructor about any existing physical conditions and concerns you have about them. Yoga benefits many people with chronic pain by helping the body regain its balance between strength and flexibility, movement and awareness. If you are under a doctor’s care for an acute situation, please be sure to discuss taking yoga classes with him or her.

  • Yoga is not a religion; however, the teacher may bring in some spiritual concepts. Chanting Om (AUM) is considered to be a form of meditation – a clearing and calming of the mind. Namaste is a respectful greeting or an acknowledgement of one soul to another; the translation is: “I bow to you.” Usually, the teacher will end with a Namaste to everyone, and everyone will repeat it back. You may choose not to chant Om or say Namaste, and that is perfectly ok.